
In recent months a Bushbuck (Tragelaphus sylvaticus) ram and ewe have been moving through camp, and the ewe seems to have made this area her home range for the better part of the last few months.

This medium-sized antelope is quite rare to spot, favouring dense woodland and thickets along the riverbanks.

Luckily for us, the ewe has had a little lamb that she is keeping close to Reception. This is fairly special for Ingwelala, as we mostly see nyalas in camp - a close relative of the bushbuck.

Did you know?

A very special characteristic of this antelope is that it is the only African antelope that is both solitary and non-territorial - there are no attempts made to defend any part of a home range, or to live in groups.

In fact, you are considered lucky to witness any social interactions at all in this species - even the ewes limit the time spent with their lambs during the day. This makes it all the more special seeing these 2 together so often!



more about the Bushbuck >



Words by Tess Woollgar, images courtesy of Canva.


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