How many bungalows are there at Ingwelala?
Besides the accommodation for resident staff, there are 206 bungalows owned by the members, located in the designated camp area. Whilst this might appear to be a high-density area, under the circumstances, bungalows are orientated to achieve best possible privacy.
Who may use my bungalow?
At the time of purchasing, you will be informed how many nominated users you may register. This relates to the shareholding of the bungalow and current number of listed authorised users. Authorised users can only be immediate family “going down in the family tree”. A once-off registration fee of R 2 500 applies when registering these users. Commercial letting of bungalows is strictly not permitted. You may authorise unaccompanied guests to use your bungalow outside of busy periods. Each person will be charged a daily unaccompanied guest fee. Written approval must be lodged with Reception ahead of any unaccompanied guests’ arrival.
What about maintenance and insurance of my bungalow?
In terms of the Use Agreement, you are responsible for all maintenance to your bungalow. The company insures all the company's assets, including your bungalow. You are responsible for the insurance premium for your bungalow and for your share of the insurance costs of the communal facilities in proportion to your number of shares.
Insurance value for your bungalow is calculated on a basic finish building-only replacement. However, this value can be increased (on a member’s instruction) for high quality finishes. Solar systems, patios, decks and gazebos are calculated and rated individually on instruction from members.
NB: The onus is on member to inform the Company of any changes or additions to their insurance requirements. The contents of your bungalow and game viewing vehicles are not part of the company's assets. It is therefore your responsibility to see that they are insured under a separate policy. In addition, it is the member's responsibility to ensure adequate insurance cover for the bungalow during any building alterations, where the contract value exceeds R 500 000,00. This is particularly relevant to "Contractors All Risks" insurance cover. Advice can be obtained from the Reserve Manager.
Insurance value for your bungalow is calculated on a basic finish building-only replacement. However, this value can be increased (on a member’s instruction) for high quality finishes. Solar systems, patios, decks and gazebos are calculated and rated individually on instruction from members.
NB: The onus is on member to inform the Company of any changes or additions to their insurance requirements. The contents of your bungalow and game viewing vehicles are not part of the company's assets. It is therefore your responsibility to see that they are insured under a separate policy. In addition, it is the member's responsibility to ensure adequate insurance cover for the bungalow during any building alterations, where the contract value exceeds R 500 000,00. This is particularly relevant to "Contractors All Risks" insurance cover. Advice can be obtained from the Reserve Manager.
How is Ingwelala funded?
The Reserve’s operating and maintenance costs are funded through a monthly levy. This levy is calculated on a monthly Rand value per share, and excludes the insurance premium on the bungalow.
How is Ingwelala run?
A Board of Directors is elected at the Annual General Meeting. Directors are appointed for a period of 3 years. At least one third of the directors must stand down (retire) each year but may offer to stand for re-election. Most of the directors reside in Gauteng where the Annual General Meeting is held. The directors form port-folio committees e.g. Finance, Legal, Technical, Building, Discipline, etc. and determine direction and support to the reserve management team. Ingwelala employs approximately 48 permanent staff.
What about Rules and Regulations?
Obviously with the large number of users, there have to be rules and regulations. These are strictly enforced, particularly over-utilization i.e. if you are allowed to sleep 6 persons in your bungalow, any number in excess of 6 will attract an additional bed levy charge. At the Annual General Meeting in 1998 the members instructed the directors to impose fines on certain transgressions, as well as publish the names of offenders in the Newsletter. To view the list of fines, please click here.
What is the Umbabat?
Ingwelala, Buffelsbed, Sibon and Op Goedehoop are all located within the Umbabat Private Nature Reserve. This includes other share blocks such as Ndlopfu, Ntsiri and Manzimvula and several smaller privately-owned properties. There is a duly elected Executive Committee, including a full time Warden of the Umbabat, who represent the interests of the area at a regional level. This includes networking and liaising with neighbouring reserves, provincial conservation agencies and the adjacent Kruger National Park.
Who maintains the access road to the Umbabat?
The access road to the Umbabat was privatized in 1995 and is maintained by the Control Gate Company. This company erected a control gate near the Klaserie River and persons passing through this gate are charged an entrance fee per vehicle. These funds are used to maintain the sand sealed access road. Besides access control, gate staff perform an important security function and contribute towards reducing wildlife crime.