With plenty of beautiful flowers popping up after the rains, it seems only fitting to have a little challenge to end off the month. `
All images were all taken on the reserve or in camp. Can you ID them? Answers are at the bottom.
Quiz of the Month Answers
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1: Sandpaper Raisin (Grewia flavescens);
2: Wild Foxglove (Ceratotheca triloba);
3: Bushveld Crossandra (Crossandra greenstockii);
4: African Baobab (Adansonia digitata);
5: African Wattle (Peltophorum africanum);
6: Long-tail Cassia (Cassia abbreviata);
7: Morning Glory / Christmas Flower (Ipomoea oenotheroides)
8: Purple Pod/ Lowveld Cluster-leaf (Terminalia prunioides);
9: Blue Commelina (Commelina erecta);
10: Sickle Bush (Dichrostachys cinerea);
11: Black-stick Lily / Baboons Tail (Xerophyta retinervis);
12: Sea Daffodil / White Spider Lily / One-day Lily (Pancratium tenuifolium);
13: String of Stars (Heliotropium steudneri);
14: Starry Wild Jasmine (Jasminum multipartitum)
Words & images by Tess Woollgar