Long-tail Cassia

The long-tail cassia Cassia (Cassia abbreviata) is an indigenous tree species that grows up to about 7m tall.

It has beautiful compound leaves that droop downwards like hanging bunches of green grapes.

Currently flowering, their stunning bright yellow flowers draw attention in any bushveld scene, providing a pop of colour and lovely, sweet smell.

Following the flowering season, long green pods emerge that can be up to 80cm long! Over the period of almost a year, these pods will ripen and turn dark brown, burst open and distribute the seeds.

Between the leaves, flowers, fruits and pods, this tree provides nutrition for everything from Grey Go-Away Birds and Brown-headed Parrots to elephants, nyalas, kudus, giraffes and more!

It also has traditional uses for humans, for everything from toothaches and headaches to blackwater fever.


Did you know?

With over 30 Cassia species found world-wide, this is the only species that is naturally found in South Africa.
Other species that have been introduced include the Popcorn Cassia or Peanut Butter Senna (Cassia didymobotrya), which has been declared an invasive weed.



Words by Tess Woollgar, images courtesy Tess Woollgar


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