Ingwelala Insurance - Assessing Risk

Your consideration is drawn to a very unfortunate and scary incident that Members recently experienced.

On a routine game drive, their vehicle suddenly developed an electrical fault and burst into flames. The victims thought rationally and immediately called the gate for assistance.

Fortunately the incident occurred relatively close to the gate. Other Members who were close by responded immediately and also thinking rationally grabbed the fire extinguishers from the gate, rushed to the scene and extinguished the fire.

A near disaster was fortunately avoided. The young children on board were severely traumatised by the event and hope that in time their personal confidences will be restored and comprehend that accidents do happen and they happen very quickly.

Incidentally there were two different game viewers that caught alight within weeks of each other.


  • Have a suitable fire extinguisher close at hand (mounted in your game viewer).
  • Advise Reception to include the fire extinguisher service with the annual servicing (undertaken in October each year).
  • Radio communication is essential for any emergency.
  • Familiarise yourself where fire extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment is positioned on the Reserve, e.g. fuel forecourt, entrance gate, Workshop.
  • Be prepared to assist one another, staff are not always able to arrive there first.

This was no small fire, raised flames torched the rip-stop canopy and shattered the windscreen


by John Llewellyn.


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