We wanted to do something a little different this month...
Below are photographs of 4 animal skulls from this area, including the length (in cm) from the tip of the nose to the back of the head.
Can you identify the species from the skulls above?
Here are a few things to look for when identifying what animal it might be:
- The overall size and shape of the skull
- The position of the eye orbitals in the skull
- The size of the nasal cavity
- The tooth configuration and shape
Essentially, what you are trying to figure out from the above questions is:
- What does the skull resemble to you based on the size and shape?
- Do the eyes face sideways, like a herbivore, or forwards like a predator or primate?
- Does the animal have a well-developed sense of smell that it relies on?
- Are the teeth flat like a herbivore’s for grinding up plant material, or sharp like a predator’s for slicing through meat? Does it have a mix of both? Does it have canines, or not?
There are other identifiers you can look for too, such as the size of the ridge that runs on top of a predator’s skull - the sagittal crest (is there extra muscle attachment for a stronger bite force?) or even the position and angle of the spinal cord with the base of the skull (how does it move?).
These things, combined with a knowledge of the individual species’ characteristics, diet, habitat, distribution and habits, and through a process of visualising the animal and matching it’s characteristics to the skull itself, can help to determine what animal it might be.
Quiz of the Month Answers
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Skull 1: Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus)
- Elongated head and snout
- Medium, forward-facing eyes (predator and prey)
- Omnivorous (Canines; flattened molars and incisors)
- Large size with a primate shape and large brain casing
- Can only be a Chacma Baboon
Survival tip: Baboons can’t eat anything toxic (unlike monkeys). Follow their diet if you are ever stranded without food!
Skull 2: Leopard (Panthera pardus)
- Large nasal cavity (good sense of smell)
- Large, forward-facing eyes (predator; nocturnal?)
- Carnivorous (Canines; sharp molars and incisors for slicing meat)
- Skull more rounded than elongated (consistent with a cat skull)
- Size consistent with a Leopard
Interesting fact: Leopards are the only big cat found across multiple continents!
Skull 3: Caracal (Caracal caracal)
- Small, rounded head
- Short snout but good sense of smell (cat species)
- Large forward-facing eyes (predator; nocturnal)
- Carnivorous (Canines; sharp molars and incisors)
- Smaller than lion and leopard, larger than Serval and Wild Cat
- Size is consistent with a Caracal
Interesting fact: Caracals are stronger than a leopard when compared kilogram-for-kilogram!
Skull 4: Python (Python natalensis)
- Small side-facing eyes
- Flattened, elongated head
- Lack of traditional nasal cavity (not a mammal)
- Non-fixed jaw bone and extended rear of skull (reptile)
- Small, sharp, piercing teeth fixed in the jaw (snake/reptile)
- Size and combination of above consistent with a python
Interesting fact: Pythons are non-venomous and can live for 40+ years!
Identifying skulls from photographs is much harder than in real life - but we hope you had fun!
by Tess Woollgar, images courtesy of Tess Woollgar, Connorskye, Nicosmit, Slowmotiongli and Wirestock via Canva Com